Learning Outcomes What you will know

Workshop Description

This workshop will cover the fundamentals of descriptive models and methods for exploring characteristics of time series. Attendees will learn how to decompose and analyze a time series’ secular trend, seasonal, cyclical, and irregular variability components; create descriptive additive/multiplicative models of time series; and explore characteristics of stationarity, autocorrelation, and cross-correlation with other time series. The workshop aims to investigate the practical application of Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) using NOAA/GML climate change data, including factors like Annual Surface Temperature Change, CO2 concentration, and the frequency of climate-related disasters. The session will involve hands-on EDA using the R programming language.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Grasp the process of decomposing time series utilizing climate change data available on the R-Studio server during the workshop.
  2. Comprehend the exploratory techniques applied to time series analysis by breaking down climate change trends and variations to discern underlying causes and contributing factors.
  3. Acquire practical experience using R as a tool for exploratory time series analysis.
  4. Recognize the significance of exploratory data analysis in time series, acknowledging its pivotal role in achieving a more precise understanding of time series data.

Primary Outcomes

Secondary Outcomes

You understand how to succeed in the HI-DSI Data Fellows program

Referencing modules: Introduction to HI-DSI Data Fellows

You understand basic Python and Jupyter

Referencing modules: Python and Jupyter

You can perform basic command line functions

Referencing modules: Scientific Software Basics

Assessed by: Help us assess this workshop

You understand basic HPC concepts

Referencing modules: High Performance Computing

Assessed by: Help us assess this workshop

You understand the challenges and options in moving scientific data over the network

Referencing modules: Data Movement

Assessed by: Help us assess this workshop

You understand basic data wrangling concepts

Referencing modules: Data Wrangling, Part 1, Data Wrangling, Part 2

Assessed by: Help us assess this workshop, Help us assess this workshop

You understand basic machine learning concepts

Referencing modules: Machine Learning Approaches in Climate Science

Assessed by: Help us assess this workshop, Help Us Assess This Workshop

You understand basic data visualization concepts

Referencing modules: Data Visualization

Assessed by: Help us assess this workshop

You understand workshop design and implementation

Referencing modules: Design and Implementation of Workshops

Assessed by: Help us assess this workshop, Help us assess this workshop

You understand professional portfolio design and implementation

Referencing modules: How to create a professional portfolio

You understand smart data collection

Referencing modules: Smart Data Collection for Sensor Networks

Assessed by: Help us assess this workshop

You understand important concepts about creative thinking

Referencing modules: Creative Thinking

Assessed by: Help us assess this workshop