
To facilitate a smooth and productive experience, please complete this checklist to ensure your readiness for this workshop.


Basic understanding of statistics and data analysis concepts, and some familiarity with R/R-Studio.


Click Here for Syllabus

Install R and R-Studio:

Please take a moment to prepare your computer by installing the necessary software.

Install Coursework Packages:

Ensure the installation of the specified R packages by executing the following commands in your R console or R-Studio.

These packages are essential for the workshop, and having them installed in advance will save time and ensure a seamless learning experience. If there are no error messages, you're all set!

Past HI-DSI Workshop Attendees:

Please login to KOA with your own accounts and start an R-Studio interactive session: Click Here


You’re All Set!

We appreciate your proactive approach to preparing for the workshop, and we look forward to a productive and engaging session. Thank you!!