
Here are the things you need to do to be prepared for this workshop.

Have command line experience

We recommend you go through the Software Carpentry shell-novice tutorial if you are new to the command-line. But, if you attended last week’s workshop, you should be good to go with the command line!

Setup a Jupyter IDE

You can run Jupyter on Google Colab, your own machine, on the UH KOA HPC cluster.

Google Colab

Google Colab provides a free cloud instance. You must sign in with a Google account. To use your account, you must enable Google@UH Consumer Apps


Alternatively, you run code on your local machine. First install Anaconda. Then install the new Jupyterlab desktop application.

KOA HPC Cluster

If you have a KOA HPC account, you can run a JupyterLab through Open OnDemand.