5. Install Modules and Setup an Environment

How to access and install software and modules?

Use a package manager

Working with Python requires one to have different packages installed with a specific version which gets updated once in a while. On Koa, there are software packages already installed on the cluster which one can use to install the required libraries, softwares and can even choose which version to install.

You can use following commands to see what modules are available on the cluster or which ones are already loaded or to load a specific module in your environment:

module avail
module list 
module load <MODULE_NAME>

So what is an environment then?

Sometimes different applications require different versions of the Python packages than the one you’ve been using and this is where a Python environment comes in handy.

An environment (or a conda environment specifically, which we’ll discuss later) is a directory, specific or isolated to a project, that contains a specific collection of python packages and their different versions that you have installed. There are 2 most popular tools to set up your environment:

  1. Pip: a tool to install Python software packages only.

  2. Anaconda (or Conda): cross platform package and environment manager which lets you access C, C++ libraries, R package for scientific computing along with Python.

The Anaconda package manager

This is a popular package manager in scientific computing which handles the Python and R programming language related dependencies rather easily. It is preferred more because:


Activity: Learn how to setup an environment

Activity: Learn to create a Python kernel

Although we created a conda environment, the Jupyter notebook still cannot access it because “conda” is the directory that contains all the installed conda packages but it is the “kernel” that runs the user’s code and can use and access different conda environments, if required.

A kernel is the computational engine that executes the code contained in Jupyter notebook or it is the interface which tells Jupyter notebook which kernel it should use to access the packages and softwares.