With no pacing, the 100 Gbps Ethernet interface sends packets in short bursts of 100 Gbps.
Since our target rate is only 12 Gbps, we could distribute the packets more evenly,
and possibly avoid having bursts arrive at one or more queues along the path to the receiver.
3Gb per stream FQ pacing, 640 GB in 487 seconds
Notice that when we pace packets at the sender to spread them out, the transfer is much smoother, and there are no more
TCP retransmissions
Other ways to tune
Ethernet driver ring buffers
The first and last queues in your network path
Ethernet Offloading
The Ethernet card does such things as TCP segmentation and checksums, relieving the computer operating system of those tasks
Ethernet flow control – sometimes mitigates buffer issues
Storage system (formerly “disks”) configuration
Multi-devices under a single volume (RAID-1 or mdadm)
high performance files systems
If you have a fast, clean 100G network, the next limit will be your storage throughput