11. Using Rclone


Rclone is a free utility for syncing directories between object storage systems (such as Amazon S3, Dropbox, Google Drive etc) and file based storage (e.g. home or scratch))


Rclone in KOA

Rclone is installed on KOA and can be used in the command line via

Configuring Rclone

Before you can use Rclone, you must configure it This configuration step will set up access for the remote object storage system that you want to transfer data to and from In this tutorial we will configure Google Drive since UH has Google for Education and everyone at UH has it

Open a Shell Session on KOA

1.) Start a shell session on KOA through your own terminal or you can use Open OnDemand via [https://koa.its.hawaii.edu/] *You WILL be prompted for DUO two-factor verification.

2.) Navigate to Clusters -> _Koa_Shell_Access, to start your session


Configuring Rclone


No remotes found - make a new one

n) New remote

s) Set configuration password

q) Quit config

Choose a name for the remote object storage system


You’ll be prompted for the name of the remote object storage system\, we use “rclone-gdrive” in this tutorial

Choosing a Storage Option


Google Application Client Id


*Setting your own is recommended, see https://rclone.org/drive/#making-your-own-client-id for how to create your own.

Client Secret

OAuth Client Secret



Leave ID of the root folder blank normally


Advanced Configuration


Auto Authenticate

In this tutorial we are running RClone on a remote machine (KOA).


# Optional config_token


# Access the config_token from your local RClone
1.) Confirm RClone is successfully installed on your machine by running rclone version in your CLI of choice.
2.) From the KOA shell copy/paste and run the rclone authorize command into your local CLI

Example: Windows Powershell


3.) A browser window should open, prompting you to sign into your Google Drive Account


4.) Allow RClone to access your Google Drive


5.) Once you allow access, you will see a ‘Success’ screen:


6.) Navigate back to your CLI, to view the generated token, copy the token

Example: Windows Powershell


7.) Paste the token into KOA

Configuring of Google Drive

-Do not configure as a team drive

